V challenge!! 高校入試問題に挑戦(英語 解答)

                              昭和学院高等学校(平成27年度入試 英語)

(1) to be still in the same state or condition
(2) to leave your job or school etc.
(3) all the plants, animals and things that exist in the universe that are not made by people
(4) a very sad event or situation
(5) known about by many people
(6) costing a lot of money
(7) to force out air suddenly and noisily through your throat, for example when you have a cold
(8) far away in space and time
    ア distance    イ cough    ウ tragedy    エ expensive
    オ remain     カ quit     キ famous    ク nature
    (1)-オ    (2)-カ    (3)-ク    (4)-ウ
    (5)-キ    (6)-エ    (7)-イ    (8)-ア
